For hunters in the Golden State, understanding California's hunting zones, seasons, and regulations is crucial for a successful and legal hunt. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about the 2024 hunting season in California, including important dates, zones, and specific information for deer hunters.
Current Hunting Season in California
California Deer Hunting Zones for 2024
X9c Deer Hunting
California Deer Tag Deadline
Hunt Season 2024: What You Need to Know
(Reading Time: 11-15 Minutes)

Shooting Time Table for Bird Hunting - Southern California
AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | |
September 1 | 6:05 | 7:30 | 5:58 | 7:23 | 5:54 | 7:23 | 5:56 | 7:19 | 5:53 | 7:13 | 5:46 | 7:07 |
September 2 | 6:06 | 7:28 | 5:59 | 7:22 | 5:55 | 7:21 | 5:57 | 7:17 | 5:54 | 7:12 | 5:47 | 7:06 |
September 9 | 6:11 | 7:19 | 6:04 | 7:12 | 6:01 | 7:11 | 6:02 | 7:08 | 5:58 | 7:03 | 5:52 | 6:57 |
September 16 | 6:16 | 7:08 | 6:10 | 7:02 | 6:06 | 7:00 | 6:07 | 6:58 | 6:03 | 6:53 | 5:56 | 6:47 |
September 23 | 6:21 | 6:58 | 6:15 | 6:52 | 6:12 | 6:49 | 6:12 | 6:48 | 6:07 | 6:44 | 6:01 | 6:38 |
September 30 | 6:27 | 6:48 | 6:20 | 6:41 | 6:18 | 6:38 | 6:17 | 6:39 | 6:12 | 6:35 | 6:06 | 6:28 |
October 7 | 6:32 | 6:38 | 6:26 | 6:32 | 6:24 | 6:28 | 6:22 | 6:29 | 6:17 | 6:26 | 6:10 | 6:19 |
October 14 | 6:38 | 6:29 | 6:31 | 6:22 | 6:31 | 6:18 | 6:27 | 6:20 | 6:22 | 6:17 | 6:16 | 6:10 |
October 21 | 6:44 | 6:20 | 6:37 | 6:13 | 6:37 | 6:09 | 6:33 | 6:12 | 6:27 | 6:09 | 6:21 | 6:02 |
October 28 | 6:51 | 6:12 | 6:44 | 6:05 | 6:44 | 6:00 | 6:39 | 6:04 | 6:33 | 6:02 | 6:27 | 5:54 |
November 4 | 6:57 | 6:05 | 6:50 | 5:58 | 6:51 | 5:53 | 6:45 | 5:57 | 6:39 | 5:55 | 6:33 | 5:48 |
November 5* | 5:58 | 5:04 | 5:51 | 4:57 | 5:52 | 4:52 | 5:46 | 4:57 | 5:40 | 4:54 | 5:34 | 4:47 |
November 11 | 6:04 | 4:59 | 5:57 | 4:53 | 5:59 | 4:46 | 5:52 | 4:52 | 5:45 | 4:50 | 5:39 | 4:43 |
November 18 | 6:11 | 4:54 | 6:04 | 4:48 | 6:06 | 4:41 | 5:58 | 4:48 | 5:51 | 4:46 | 5:46 | 4:39 |
November 25 | 6:18 | 4:51 | 6:11 | 4:45 | 6:13 | 4:38 | 6:05 | 4:45 | 5:58 | 4:43 | 5:52 | 4:36 |
December 2 | 6:24 | 4:50 | 6:17 | 4:43 | 6:20 | 4:36 | 6:11 | 4:43 | 6:04 | 4:42 | 5:58 | 4:35 |
December 9 | 6:30 | 4:50 | 6:23 | 4:43 | 6:26 | 4:36 | 6:17 | 4:44 | 6:09 | 4:43 | 6:04 | 4:35 |
December 16 | 6:35 | 4:51 | 6:28 | 4:45 | 6:31 | 4:37 | 6:22 | 4:45 | 6:14 | 4:44 | 6:08 | 4:37 |
December 23 | 6:39 | 4:55 | 6:32 | 4:48 | 6:35 | 4:40 | 6:25 | 4:49 | 6:18 | 4:48 | 6:12 | 4:40 |
December 30 | 6:41 | 4:59 | 6:35 | 4:53 | 6:37 | 4:45 | 6:28 | 4:53 | 6:20 | 4:52 | 6:15 | 4:44 |
January 6 | 6:42 | 5:05 | 6:36 | 4:59 | 6:38 | 4:52 | 6:29 | 4:59 | 6:22 | 4:58 | 6:16 | 4:51 |
January 13 | 6:42 | 5:12 | 6:35 | 5:06 | 6:37 | 4:58 | 6:29 | 5:06 | 6:21 | 5:04 | 6:16 | 4:57 |
January 20 | 6:40 | 5:18 | 6:33 | 5:12 | 6:35 | 5:05 | 6:27 | 5:11 | 6:20 | 5:10 | 6:14 | 5:02 |
January 27 | 6:36 | 5:25 | 6:29 | 5:19 | 6:31 | 5:12 | 6:23 | 5:18 | 6:17 | 5:16 | 6:11 | 5:09 |
Shooting Time Table for Bird Hunting - Northern California
AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | |
September 1 | 6:14 | 7:49 | 6:02 | 7:40 | 6:07 | 7:39 | 6:10 | 7:39 | 6:05 | 7:36 | 6:04 | 7:32 |
September 2 | 6:15 | 7:47 | 6:03 | 7:38 | 6:08 | 7:37 | 6:11 | 7:38 | 6:06 | 7:35 | 6:05 | 7:31 |
September 9 | 6:21 | 7:36 | 6:10 | 7:26 | 6:14 | 7:26 | 6:16 | 7:27 | 6:12 | 7:24 | 6:11 | 7:20 |
September 16 | 6:28 | 7:24 | 6:17 | 7:14 | 6:20 | 7:15 | 6:22 | 7:16 | 6:18 | 7:13 | 6:16 | 7:10 |
September 23 | 6:35 | 7:12 | 6:24 | 7:02 | 6:27 | 7:04 | 6:28 | 7:05 | 6:25 | 7:02 | 6:22 | 6:59 |
September 30 | 6:42 | 7:00 | 6:32 | 6:49 | 6:33 | 6:52 | 6:34 | 6:54 | 6:31 | 6:50 | 6:28 | 6:48 |
October 7 | 6:49 | 6:49 | 6:39 | 6:37 | 6:40 | 6:41 | 6:41 | 6:44 | 6:37 | 6:40 | 6:34 | 6:38 |
October 14 | 6:57 | 6:38 | 6:47 | 6:26 | 6:47 | 6:31 | 6:47 | 6:34 | 6:44 | 6:29 | 6:40 | 6:28 |
October 21 | 7:04 | 6:28 | 6:55 | 6:15 | 6:54 | 6:21 | 6:54 | 6:24 | 6:51 | 6:20 | 6:47 | 6:19 |
October 28 | 7:12 | 6:18 | 7:04 | 6:05 | 7:01 | 6:12 | 7:01 | 6:16 | 6:58 | 6:11 | 6:54 | 6:10 |
November 4 | 7:21 | 6:09 | 7:12 | 5:56 | 7:09 | 6:04 | 7:08 | 6:08 | 7:06 | 6:03 | 7:01 | 6:03 |
November 5* | 6:22 | 5:08 | 6:13 | 4:55 | 6:10 | 5:03 | 6:09 | 5:07 | 6:07 | 5:02 | 6:02 | 5:02 |
November 11 | 6:29 | 5:02 | 6:21 | 4:49 | 6:17 | 4:57 | 6:16 | 5:01 | 6:13 | 4:56 | 6:08 | 4:57 |
November 18 | 6:37 | 4:56 | 6:29 | 4:43 | 6:25 | 4:51 | 6:23 | 4:56 | 6:21 | 4:51 | 6:15 | 4:52 |
November 25 | 6:45 | 4:52 | 6:37 | 4:38 | 6:32 | 4:48 | 6:30 | 4:53 | 6:29 | 4:47 | 6:22 | 4:48 |
December 2 | 6:52 | 4:49 | 6:45 | 4:35 | 6:39 | 4:45 | 6:37 | 4:51 | 6:36 | 4:45 | 6:29 | 4:46 |
December 9 | 6:59 | 4:49 | 6:52 | 4:34 | 6:46 | 4:45 | 6:43 | 4:51 | 6:42 | 4:45 | 6:35 | 4:46 |
December 16 | 7:04 | 4:50 | 6:57 | 4:36 | 6:51 | 4:46 | 6:48 | 4:52 | 6:47 | 4:46 | 6:40 | 4:48 |
December 23 | 7:08 | 4:53 | 7:01 | 4:39 | 6:55 | 4:49 | 6:52 | 4:55 | 6:51 | 4:49 | 6:44 | 4:51 |
December 30 | 7:11 | 4:58 | 7:04 | 4:44 | 6:57 | 4:54 | 6:55 | 5:00 | 6:53 | 4:54 | 6:46 | 4:56 |
January 6 | 7:11 | 5:04 | 7:04 | 4:50 | 6:58 | 5:00 | 6:55 | 5:06 | 6:54 | 5:00 | 6:47 | 5:01 |
January 13 | 7:10 | 5:11 | 7:02 | 4:57 | 6:57 | 5:07 | 6:55 | 5:12 | 6:53 | 5:07 | 6:46 | 5:08 |
January 20 | 7:06 | 5:19 | 6:59 | 5:05 | 6:54 | 5:15 | 6:52 | 5:20 | 6:50 | 5:14 | 6:44 | 5:15 |
January 27 | 7:02 | 5:28 | 6:54 | 5:14 | 6:49 | 5:23 | 6:48 | 5:27 | 6:46 | 5:22 | 6:40 | 5:23 |
Hunting Season in California
California is in the midst of its hunting season for various game animals. However, it's important to note that hunting seasons vary depending on the species, weapon type, and specific hunting zone:
1. Deer: Archery season has begun in many zones, with general season opening soon in others.
2. Bear: The general bear season typically opens in late summer or early fall.
3. Wild Pig: Open year-round in most areas with the appropriate tag.
4. Upland Game Birds: Seasons for various species like quail and dove usually begin in early fall.
Always check the most current regulations from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) for specific dates and any last-minute changes.
Attention: The License and Revenue Branch’s public license sales counter is permanently closed. To find the nearest California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) license sales office, visit the CDFW License Sales Offices and Hours of Operation page.
Various licenses, permits, tags, and other entitlements may also be purchased through the following sales channels:
- In person, through independent license sales agents (such as a local sporting goods store, large discount store, or a bait and tackle shop). Search for a license sales agent near you(opens in new tab).
- Online, through CDFW’s Online License Sales and Services website(opens in new tab). See the variety of items that can be purchased online.
- Over the telephone, through CDFW’s authorized telephone sales agent at (800) 565-1458.
ONLINE | Find A Local Agent |
California Deer Hunting Zones for 2024
California is divided into several deer hunting zones, each with its own season dates and tag quotas. While the CDFW doesn't typically release a single comprehensive map for all deer seasons, they do provide detailed zone maps and boundary descriptions. Here's a brief overview of some popular zones:
1. A Zone: Covers the northwestern part of the state
The A Zone is one of the most popular deer hunting areas in California, covering much of the northwestern part of the state.
- Archery Season: Typically runs from mid-July to early August
- General Season: Usually opens in mid-August and runs through late September
2. B Zones: Multiple zones in the north-central region, divided into several sub-zones
3. C Zones: Located in the central and southern coastal areas
4. D Zones: Cover much of the central and southern parts of the state
5. X Zones: Special zones, including X9c, which we'll discuss later
When is Deer Season in California?
Deer season in California varies by zone and hunting method.
- Archery seasons typically start in July or August, depending on the zone
- General (rifle) seasons usually begin in August or September
- Some zones have additional late-season hunts in November or December
- A Zone: August to September
- B Zones: September to October
- C Zones: September to early November
- D Zones: September to November
- X Zones: Vary widely, some as early as August, others as late as December
Many archers appreciate these early-season opportunities, which often coincide with the deer rut in some areas.

Approved 2024 Deer Seasons- Area-Specific Archery Hunts
X9C Deer Hunting
The X9c zone is a popular area for deer hunting in California. Located in the eastern Sierra Nevada region, this zone offers beautiful scenery and good opportunities for mule deer. Key points for X9c hunting include:
1. Limited tags available through a drawing system
2. Typically a short season, often in September
3. Known for its challenging terrain and high-elevation hunting
Hunters interested in X9c should apply for tags well in advance and be prepared for the unique challenges of mountain hunting.
California Deer Tag Deadline
One of the most critical dates for deer hunters in California is the deer tag application deadline. For the 2024 season, the deadline typically falls in early June. However, it's essential to verify the exact date with the CDFW, as it can change slightly from year to year.
Successful deer tag holders are required to report deer harvested within 30 days of the date of harvest or by January 31, whichever date is first. Unsuccessful deer tag holders, whether they hunted or not, are required to report no harvest by January 31 (CCR, T14 Section 708.5)
Missing this deadline can severely limit your hunting opportunities, as many desirable zones and seasons require drawing a tag.
1. Start preparing your application well in advance
2. Consider your top choices and backup options
3. Understand the preference point system to increase your chances in future draws
4. Be aware of any changes to the application process or fees
Hunt Season 2024: What You Need to Know
Here's a general timeline of what to expect for the remainder of 2024 and early 2025:
- Fall 2024: Primary seasons for deer, bear, and many upland game birds
- Winter 2024-2025: Late-season hunts for various species, including waterfowl
- Spring 2025: Turkey hunting season
- Summer 2025: Preparation for the next fall season, including tag applications

Remember that exact dates can vary by species and zone, so always refer to the official CDFW regulations for the most accurate information.
1. License Requirements: All hunters must possess a valid California hunting license. Additional tags or stamps may be required depending on the species and location.
2. Hunter Education: If you're new to hunting, you'll need to complete a hunter education course before purchasing a license.
3. Regulations: Familiarize yourself with bag limits, legal methods of take, and any special regulations for your chosen hunting area.
4. Scouting: Spend time scouting your hunting area before the season opens. This can significantly increase your chances of success.
5. Conservation: Understand the role of hunting in conservation efforts and follow ethical hunting practices.

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Hunting Seasons California: A Year-Round Pursuit
While many hunters focus on the fall big game seasons, California offers hunting opportunities throughout the year.
Spring | - Wild turkey - Wild pig - Some predators (varies by region) |
Summer | - Preparation and scouting for fall seasons - Some small game hunting opportunities |
Fall | -Deer (primary season) -Bear -Upland game birds (quail, pheasant, dove) - Waterfowl (ducks and geese) |
Winter | - Late-season deer hunts in some zones - Waterfowl - Wild pig |
This diversity of hunting opportunities makes California an excellent state for hunters who enjoy pursuing various species throughout the year.
California's hunting seasons offer diverse opportunities for sportsmen and women across the state. From the challenging deer hunts in zones like X9c to year-round pig hunting and seasonal pursuits of upland game and waterfowl, there's something for every type of hunter.
1. Always check current regulations, as seasons and rules can change.
2. Mark your calendar for important dates, especially the deer tag application deadline.
3. Plan ahead for limited-entry hunts in popular zones.
4. Consider exploring new areas and species to expand your hunting experiences.
5. Stay informed about conservation efforts and how hunting contributes to wildlife management.
By staying informed, preparing adequately, and following all regulations, you can make the most of California's rich hunting traditions and diverse wildlife resources. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, the Golden State's varied landscapes and abundant game populations offer exciting challenges and rewarding experiences throughout the year.